Start solving hard problems in hours, instead of weeks.

We are a full-service consultancy using AI to empower everyone in the organization to rapidly contribute viable solutions to complex business challenges.

It takes an average of 4,000 good ideas to solve a hard problem.

Yet the trained innovators have less time and more workload than ever.

How can you keep up?

Imagine if your whole organization could contribute viable solutions as fast as your innovation team…

That’s where we come in.

Human-centered, AI-powered innovation

We start every project by bringing cross-functional workgroups together to unleash a high volume of divergent ideas and refine them into actionable solutions to your challenge.

Supported by senior cross-functional teams

After the work session, we have dozens of seasoned, senior team members in over 20 disciplines ready to help you carry the solutions forward.

To solve a wide variety of complex business challenges

The Collective is equipped to help you with an extremely wide range of challenges, from branding and marketing to operations, product development, employee engagement, and more.

Feedback has been very positive:

“10 out of 10. Nobody else is doing what you’re doing right now.”

—Todd Sommers

President, OH Partners

“The innovation workshop expanded my idea of what my campaign event could be. I fully intend to use the event concept this year.”

—Sarah Harrison

Candidate for Wisconsin State Assembly

“The innovation session sparked hundreds of ideas, and also fostered deeper team collaboration. It accelerated our path to transformation in a fun, sustainable way.”

—Patrick Conreaux

Founder & Chief Strategy Officer, Sageworx

“At one point our team spontaneously started clapping because we had a major breakthrough.”

—Jamie Perkins

Head of Strategic Marketing and Communications, Saint Francis High School

“The ideas from the innovation session were so on-brand and actionable, it blew my mind.”

—Carolyn Hoskins

Executive Director, Domini Hoskins Black History Museum

“This is an incredible new way to use market research—we saved hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars.”

“We generated over 1,000 ideas in a matter of hours, and refined them into 12 powerful, feasible concepts. The experience was transformative, leaving us with actionable strategies to elevate our client’s presence and mission."

—Carol Hood

VP, Digital Creative Director, Carol. H. Williams Advertising

—Dr. Marthinus JC van Loggerenberg

President, Greater San Francisco Ad Club and Director of the Advertising Program at University of San Francisco

Who we serve.

A wide range of clients:

Small and medium businesses, large enterprises, educators and students, nonprofits, healthcare organizations, tech companies, governments, industry associations, agencies and consultancies.

In any industry:

Our proprietary methodology was developed to flex into any industry. Over the last 10 years, we have helped over 100 clients with hundreds of programs that began on the right footing with a cross-functional innovation session.

Problem solving + plus training:

The innovation sessions not only solve real-world business challenges for you and your team, they also train your employees to take the process back to their desk to use again and again.