We solve complex business challenges in a new and different way.

We start every program with an AI-powered inovation session, to rally your cross-functional team around the challenge, and rapidly fill the pipeline with viable solutions.

In today’s market, speed is of the essence. How do you get to dozens of viable ideas fast?

By empowering the entire organization to contribute meaningful solutions.

Good ideas can come from anywhere….but without structure they usually don’t.

Our unique methodology unlocks the innovative potential of everyone on your team, enabling them to ideate and innovate as if they had been doing it for years.

“The Navigator Collective’s unique approach saved us thousands of dollars, and literally months of timeline.”

—Diane Rames

Treasurer, Greater San Francisco Ad Club

Our Vision

We aim to revolutionize the speed and impact of innovation.

Our Mission

By creating a flywheel of human-conceived and AI-enabled ideas that unlock growth from every corner of the enterprise.

Our Purpose

Because we believe companies can grow faster when innovation is more inclusive, fearless…and fun.

“After more than 20 years in advertising and marketing agencies, I’ve had the great privilege of working in a variety of roles and industries. Innovation has always been central to the work. Campaigns, go to market programs, branding, operational improvements, growth planning, product development…fresh, breakthrough thinking is essential.

In the old days, innovation was a black box, handled by a small group of highly-trained creatives. These days, those folks tend to be pretty stretched. The hardest part is getting past the blank page, and that’s exactly where our unique, AI-powered approach comes in. We bring a much broader, cross-functional team together at the start of the project, and we use AI to help the team unleash good ideas from every corner of the org.

Over the past 10 years, I’ve run hundreds of co-creation workshops for startups, small businesses, F100 companies, agencies, consultancies, educational institutions, and nonprofits all over the world. Countless times, I’ve seen innovative ideas come from IT, Accounting, HR, and other disciplines that typically aren’t invited into the process. I firmly believe that great ideas must come from everywhere. When we give more people access to creative ideation processes- and train them properly - the volume, quality and diversity of ideas accelerates.”

– Paul Sears
Founder & CEO

Advisor, University of San Francisco Strategic AI Program

We are 30+ independent partners, bringing an average of 15-20 years of experience each. We represent a wide range of 20+ functional disciplines.

We form tailored squads to address the unique needs of each client, giving us the ability to solve nearly any type of business challenge.

We’ve honed our craft in some amazing places.

We’ve run hundreds of innovation sessions with clients around the world.

workshops over the past 10 years


clients in 13 countries


participants per session: in-person, remote, hybrid


Meet the Team:

Joshua Haddock, LMFT
Behavioral Psychology & CBT

Wesley Chan
Product Innovation

Sara Macfarlane
Social Psychology, Research, Strategy

Patrick Conreaux
Chief Creative Officer

Courtney Newman
Training & Change Management

Jonathan Hua
Chief Financial Officer

Kay Brungs Laud
Social Responsibility & DEI

Lori Denaro
Communications & Content Strategy

Dozie Anyaegbunam
Content Marketing

Dan Sorgen
Creative Direction & Storytelling

Neha Khetan
Project Management, Event Production

Emily Trickey
B2B & Nonprofit Marketing

Esteven Gamez
Head of Social Marketing

Shannon Riordan
Brand Strategy

Chris Ruszkowski
Chief Marketing Officer

David Ross
Head of Innovation

Rachel Moore
DE&I, Group Facilitation

Jennifer Dellapina
Strategy & Planning

Lauren Verdery
Advisory, Marketing, Communications

Marc Calamia
Content Production & Strategy

Rochelle Webb
Marketing, Media, Entrepreneurship

João Machado
Innovation & Product Marketing

Sarah Harrison
Operations & Project Management

Alecia Dantico
CX & Customer Engagement

Mikaela Bolling
B2B & Nonprofit Marketing

Shane Collins
Communications & Content

Kelli Johnson
Social Media & Influencer Marketing

Rebecca Eastland
Research & Brand Strategy

Leah McMullen
Brand Strategy & Marketing

Kyle Smallegan
Brand & Product Marketing

Megan Riddle-Fulton
Brand & Product Marketing

Kevin MacLean
Business Strategy, Advisory

Becky Olson
Public Relations

Carlos Ricque
Executive Creative Director

Milind Raval
Executive Leadership Coaching

David Imani
Digital & Social Strategy


We specialize in training people to collaborate with kindness. Our own culture supports the same ideals. We foster acceptance and understanding, grace & forgiveness, humility and laughter. If we accidentally step on each other’s toes (as even the best among us are prone to do from time to time), we’re candid with each other about it, and we respectfully hear each other out. That’s why our team is so passionate about helping the Collective and its clients win together.


Bravely venture into the new.


Activate each others’ unique gifts.


Play together like a winning team: candidly, openly, and with shared accountability.


Nurture a growth mindset and be able to laugh at our own mistakes and flaws.


Listen to understand and feel the other person’s experience.


Collaborate with kindness, affirming the good in each other’s work.

Interested in Joining the Collective?