We help you unlock innovation from everyone on your team.

We start every program with an AI-powered innovation session that rapidly generates 100+ ideas per person, regardless of their functional discipline and training.

  • Business planning & strategy

  • Product innovation

  • Go-to-market planning

  • Branding / marketing / communications

  • Creative campaign development, production, deployment

  • Transformation & change programs

  • Process & operational enhancements

  • Employee engagement

  • Learning & development

  • Purpose & CSR

  • Personal branding, executive coaching

  • Political campaigns & event planning

  • Community engagement

  • Nonprofit development & donor engagement

What we do:

Psychology, meet technology.

Every one of our 30+ independent partners is trained in the “everybrAIn” methodology, helping ensure that your program starts with a powerful cross-functional innovation session, unlocking thousands of divergent ideas to help address your challenge.

Solving complex problems at the speed of AI.

Our programs start off with a cross-functional AI-powered innovation session

We provide a dedicated small-group facilitator for every 5-7 participants

We stand up a secure, private GenAI environment that is owned by you

We typically see 100-500 raw divergent ideas per participant in the work session

Raw ideas are vetted in multiple different ways by both human and AI to ensure desirability, feasibility and viability

Training leave-behinds help your team repeat the process on their own

30+ senior cross-functional leaders ready to help you bring the solutions to fruition

The pathway to faster innovation starts right here.