Paul Sears Paul Sears

Part 2: Unleashing Creativity with LIMA

In the dynamic world of creative innovation, embracing LIMA (Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive) principles from behaviorism, can revolutionize how groups ideate and innovate together. In Part 1, we talked about the first three layers of the LIMA pyramid. Now, in the long-awaited follow-up, we will highlight the top 3 layers: differential reinforcement, negative punishment and extinction, and the dreaded positive punishment.

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Paul Sears Paul Sears

Unleashing Creativity in Just Four Little Letters

Innovating is like navigating a complex sea of inputs and ideas, turning data into direction, and seeking sunken treasure in the deep. Believe it or not, four little letters from the behavior science used to train dogs can actually help make everyone less seasick: LIMA. It stands for “Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive.” In the ideation and innovation process, least intrusive might be something like everyone knowing they will be allowed to finish their sentence. Minimally aversive might be something like no one, ever, being told an idea is bad or wrong. So how do we make the leap from LIMA in dog training to LIMA in the innovation process…and still get wickedly-good ideas? 

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Paul Sears Paul Sears

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as an Innovation Tool?  Yes – it Works!

Innovation flourishes in diverse environments where individuals feel empowered to share their ideas freely. Unfortunately, too often in group ideation settings, introverted, analytical and neurodivergent individuals feel overshadowed by their extroverted and expressive peers. Cultural differences often come into play as well, making some participants less comfortable publicly taking creative risks than others. Discover how to apply Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) to help create accelerate innovation.

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