Paul Sears Paul Sears

Part 2: Unleashing Creativity with LIMA

In the dynamic world of creative innovation, embracing LIMA (Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive) principles from behaviorism, can revolutionize how groups ideate and innovate together. In Part 1, we talked about the first three layers of the LIMA pyramid. Now, in the long-awaited follow-up, we will highlight the top 3 layers: differential reinforcement, negative punishment and extinction, and the dreaded positive punishment.

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Paul Sears Paul Sears

Overcoming Implicit Bias: Let’s Start Training People the Right Way

In today’s wild business environment, everyone in an organization needs to feel at ease sharing their good, bad and ugly ideas. Yet, unchecked implicit biases freeze people out. It’s time to shift away from old-school lecture-based training techniques, and focus on experiential-learning and group problem-solving focused on putting the principles into immediate practice.

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