Unlocking Hidden Potential: How AI Can Transform Operations Management


In this piece, Paul Sears, Founder & CEO of The Navigator Collective interviews Sarah Harrison, MBA, Founder & Principal Consultant of Order of Operations, LLC. Sarah is an experienced operations professional and author of "Streamlining Success: Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Operations Management." Sarah shares her insights on leveraging AI to enhance business operations, informed by her extensive career in operations.

Paul Sears: "Sarah, thank you for taking time to chat. Can you start by telling us a bit about your background and your ebook, 'Streamlining Success'?"

Sarah Harrison: "Thanks, Paul. I've spent over 20 years in operations management, working across various industries such as transportation, logistics and retail. My ebook 'Streamlining Success' focuses on helping professionals enhance their strategic impact and achieve better work-life balance by avoiding common pitfalls in operations management."

Paul: "Your book says strategic focus is crucial. How can AI help wit this in business operations?"

Sarah: "To be honest, one major pitfall is getting caught up in daily tasks and short-term planning. AI can automate a good chunk of these routine tasks, freeing leaders to focus on long-term strategy and oversight. This helps boost overall productivity and efficiency. When leaders are finally able to step back and focus on the bigger picture, they can make more informed decisions. It's about working smarter, not harder."

Paul: "Can you give us some examples of AI-integrated tools that can streamline workflows?"

Sarah: "Definitely. Tools like Asana, Trello, and Zapier are excellent for project management and automation. AI can do the real-time data analysis, optimize some of the workflows, and eventually help teams operate more efficiently. AI can predict project bottlenecks before they occur, which helps a lot. All of this can drastically reduce effort and help cut down on errors."

Paul: "Your ebook also discusses long-term planning. How can AI help here?"

Sarah: "AI-driven analytics really help setting and achieving long-term goals. Instead of just focusing on monthly targets and “living paycheck to paycheck” as a business so to speak, AI can help businesses focus on quarterly and annual goals, so everyone can be more strategic. The shift from reactive to proactive is a big advantage. AI can analyze market trends and forecast future demands, allowing businesses to plan more effectively. I know it’s cliché to say it this way, but it’s kind of like a crystal ball that can guide your strategic planning."

Paul: "Data management is another key topic. How can AI help create efficiency here?"

Sarah: "Handling large data volumes is AI’s sweet spot. Automate the data gathering, cleansing, analysis, and massively cut down on the manual effort required. This saves time and improves accuracy. When I was a transportation manager, we dealt with massive amounts of data daily. It would have been a game-changer at that time to use AI for data processing. It would have freed up tons of hours for planning. AI can help turn data from a burden into a powerful asset."

Paul: "What advice would you give to business leaders looking to integrate AI into their operations?"

Sarah: "Absolutely. Choose tools that fit your needs and ensure your team is trained to use them effectively. Continuous evaluation and adjustment are essential. Don't be afraid to start small. Implementing AI can seem daunting, but even small steps are steps forward. Engage your team in the process, get their feedback, ensure the tools are working for them, and refine as you go."

Paul: "What motivated you to join The Navigator Collective, and how is it helpful to Order of Operations?"

Sarah: "Joining The Navigator Collective was a natural fit. The focus on tapping AI to unlock human creativity aligns very well with my operations management approach. The workshops and tools provided by The Navigator Collective can help accelerate the volume of solutions, so my clients can think more strategically rather than being bogged down trying to break through the blank sheet. If we can create an environment where innovative ideas can flourish, then we can quickly choose the best ones and implement them efficiently. This partnership has enabled me to offer my clients new solutions that drive real results."

Paul: "On top of it all, you’re also running for Wisconsin State Assembly. How does your experience in operations and AI integration influence your political platform?"

Sarah: "My candidacy is driven by a commitment to improving efficiency and effectiveness in government operations, similar to what I've done in the private sector. I believe that integrating AI and strategic planning can help streamline government processes, reduce waste, and improve services for citizens. My experience in operations management and AI gives me a unique perspective on how to use technology effectively, helping government be more innovative and accountable."

Paul: "Thank you Sarah – wonderful chatting with you today.  Really appreciate you taking the time.

Everyone, please visit OrderofOperationsLLC.com and download a copy of Sara’s ebook: “Streamlining Success: Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Operations Management.”

Sarah Harrison, MBA is a professional problem-solver with experience in progressive leadership roles in operational strategy, project leadership and inventory management. She is a voice of the customer advocate and a believer in mutually beneficial solutions to complex supply chain issues. Sarah develops logistics solutions that exceed return on investment goals. She leads cross-functional teams to achieve target financial metrics and strategy implementation goals in large, publicly traded companies. Sarah focuses on superior staff development and performance management, along with persuasive communication skills at all levels of the organization.

Sarah Harrison, MBA

Sarah is a professional problem-solver with experience in progressive leadership roles in operational strategy, project leadership and inventory management. She is a voice of the customer advocate and a believer in mutually beneficial solutions to complex supply chain issues. Sarah develops logistics solutions that exceed return on investment goals. She leads cross-functional teams to achieve target financial metrics and strategy implementation goals in large, publicly traded companies. Sarah focuses on superior staff development and performance management, along with persuasive communication skills at all levels of the organization.


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